Archive - Jun 12, 2009


STOP the Violence Against Peruvian Indigenous People: STOP NOW THE FTAs! / PAREMOS LA VIOLENCIA contra los pueblos indígenas en Perú!: PAREMOS los TLCs!

The Indigenous populations of the Peruvian Amazonia started a general and peaceful strike for almost 60 days to protest against 10 legislative decrees promoted by the Peruvian Government in order to comply with the Free trade Agreement (FTA) with US that threatens their rights and their environment. More specifically, the FTA with the US permits oil and mining companies to enter 44 out of 75 million hectares of Amazonian forest, which are Indigenous territories, without any kind of agreement or even consultation.

New world trade deal by 2010 says WTO chief

9 June, 2009
Eight torturous years of talks over a new global trade pact should reach a conclusion next year after changes in the US and Indian governments, WTO chief Pascal Lamy said on Tuesday.