Archive - Jun 7, 2006

Developing countries set for clash with US over patents

6 June, 2006
Developing countries led by India and Brazil are set on a collision course with Washington by stepping up their campaign in the World Trade Organisation to oblige patent applicants to disclose the origin of inventions using biological resources or traditional knowledge.

U.S. Under Gun From Farmers to Consider Scaling Back Ag Proposal in WTO Trade Talks

6 June, 2006
A senior U.S. trade official said June 6 that the administration has come under 'some pressure' from the U.S. agriculture community to consider scaling back its domestic support proposal in the World Trade Organization negotiations in response to the European Union's failure to offer greater access to the European market.

New Commodity Proposal by African Group

6 June, 2006
Link to a new proposal by the African Group for modalities on agricultural commodities.

Recent Assessments: Africa to Lose Out from WTO Negotiations, Even in Agriculture

6 June, 2006
A number of recent studies have predicted losses for Africa from the Doha trade round, in the industrial sector, but also in agriculture. This is contrary to the conventional view that many African policy makers have.

India warns of backing out on WTO offers

6 June, 2006
India has warned that it may withdraw some of its services offers if developed countries do not respond to its requests in the area of off-shore services (mode 1) and movement of workers and professionals (mode 4).

Simulations on Domestic Support and Agriculture Tariffs

6 June, 2006
Links to a new set of agriculture simulations on domestic support (AMS and overall support) and on tariffs.

'Traditional Knowledge' and Biodiversity

6 June, 2006
The United States yesterday sharply opposed the idea of commencing text-based negotiations on disclosing the origin of biological resources and 'traditional knowledge' in patent applications (WTD, 5/26/06).

An 'Ambitious' Aid-for-Trade Component

6 June, 2006
The World Trade Organization Doha Round will not succeed without an 'ambitious' aid-for-trade package, WTO Deputy Director General Valentine Sendanyoye-Rugwabiza said yesterday (WTD, 6/6/06).

Deadlines and the DDA Ag Talks

6 June, 2006
A senior US agricultural trade negotiator in the Doha Development Agenda commented yesterday that he has not seen so much 'negotiating enthusiasm' in Geneva for months - but not enough to create a 'level of ambition' that would lead the way to an eventual conclusion (WTD, 6/6/06).