Archive - Feb 21, 2006

WIPO: G77 calls for structured talks at Development Agenda meeting

20 February, 2006
The start of substantive discussion on the Development Agenda was delayed at a WIPO meeting on Monday due to wrangling over who would be the Chair.

Questions For a NAMA Text

20 February, 2006
The friends of ambition in Doha market access negotiation for industrial products led by the United States and the European Union on Monday submitted a set of questions to negotiations chair Don Stephenson suggesting how to finalize modalities by the end of April, WTD has learned (WTD, 2/20/06).

Agriculture Chairperson issues list of WTO negotiating issues

20 February, 2006
A long list of questions has been distributed by the Chairperson of the agriculture negotiations for members to use during the 'agriculture week' of negotiations being held at the WTO this week.