Archive - Jun 10, 2005

Food aid and state trading exercises

9 June, 2005

APEC Ministers Agree on WTO Tariff-Cutting Formula for Industrial Goods; USTR Portman Visits China to discuss bilateral trade issues

9 June, 2005
At the June 2-3 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Cheju, Korea, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Portman and Trade Ministers from the 20 other APEC economies unanimously endorsed a strong statement advancing an ambitious outcome to the WTO Doha negotiations and spurring further progress toward free and open trade and investment in the Asia Pacific region.

House Rejects WTO Withdrawal Despite Growing Unease

9 June, 2005
In another signal of congressional unease with U.S. trade policies and China's growing presence in the world trading system, more than 80 House members today voted in favor of a resolution calling for the United States to withdraw from the World Trade Organization.