Archive - Dec 20, 2005

Protesters denounce police violence

19 December, 2005
press statement: Anti-WTO activists present at the December 17 standoff with the Hong Kong police outside the HKCEC denounce the heavy-handed tactics used to disperse an assembly of unarmed protesters

Quietly trading away our rights

19 December, 2005
The deal patched together at the World Trade Organisation Ministerial meeting in Hong Kong at the weekend is widely seen as a face saving exercise designed to save the talks from collapse. And there is doubt that the many remaining areas of disagreement can be sorted out by the target date of the end of next year.

The DDA and Agricultural Market Access

19 December, 2005
The United States went as far as it could in last week's World Trade Organization ministerial meeting and it is now time for the European Union to 'step up' and propose a more ambitious agricultural market access offer in the Doha Development Agenda