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Local and Regional Opposition to GATS and Similar Trade Rules

2 December, 2004
It appears that, for the moment, among the strongest movements opposing the GATS, and other regulatory trade rules, are those that are spreading at the local and regional level.

Alert On GATS Article 13 : Local Governments Targetted By The WTO

2 December, 2004
The higly technocratic revision of the General Agreement on trade in Service could entail an unpleasant surprise.

National Network Of French Elected Official Against GATS & Of GATS-FREE Zones

2 December, 2004
This date coincides with the second anniversary of the

Africa Group proposes amendment to the TRIPS agreement in relation to access to medicines

2 December, 2004
The Chair of the TRIPS Council Ambassador Tony Miller of Hong Kong China is to hold further consultations on a proposal submitted by Nigeria on behalf of the African Group on an amendment to the TRIPS agreement.

Alert on GATS article 13 : Local governments targetted by the WTO

2 December, 2004
The Geneva working group on GATS rules is planning to have Ministers at the WTO Hong Kong conference, adopt an Annex to GATS article 13 on Government Procurement.

National Network of French elected official against GATS & of GATS-FREE Zones

2 December, 2004
A year ahead of the Hong Kong Ministerial conference of World Trade Organisation, the French National Network of elected officials against GATS & GATS- FREE local governments , held its first Genral Assemblee in Grigny (Rhône) on Dec 3 2004.

Local and Regional Opposition to GATS and Similar Trade Rules

2 December, 2004
It appears that, for the moment, among the strongest movements opposing the GATS, and other regulatory trade rules, are those that are spreading at the local and regional level.