Archive - 2013 - Signon Statement

maio 27th

OWINFS letter on New Guidelines for LDC Accession, July 24, 2012

24 July, 2012
24 July, 2012
Global civil society groups urged WTO member countries to oppose the current Least Developed Countries (LDCs) accession package, and send it back for re-negotiation and improvement before it is accepted by the WTO membership.

maio 24th

Global civil society groups called on the G 20 governments to reject further discussion on WTO negotiations, in the meeting of the G20 in Mexico in June 2012

17 June, 2012
21 June, 2012
Global civil society groups called on the G 20 governments to reject the discussion on further liberalization of trade in the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, in the meeting of the G20 in Mexico in June 2012. In a statement, civil society groups stated that, the G20 does not have legitimacy to decide the future of global trade governance since only a forum which includes all members, regardless of their economic power, can legitimately make decisions on major issues pertaining to the future of WTO negotiations.

maio 22nd

International Civil Society Calls on WTO Members to Reject the Report of the “Expert Panel” of Outgoing Director General Lamy

14 May, 2013
14 May, 2013
As members of the Our World Is Not for Sale (OWINFS) civil society network, we are writing to WTO members strongly object to the report, “The Future of Trade: The Challenges of Convergence,” written by the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in consultation with the panel composed by the Director General, Pascal Lamy, both in terms of the process, and the content of the analysis and recommendations contained therein.