Archive - 2009 - Signon Statement

dezembro 11th

Abandon Doha -- Confront the Crisis!

December 4, 2009

Governments: Listen to Your People! Abandon Doha—Confront the Crises!

outubro 6th

Change Trade, Not our Climate

One way or another change is on the way: if we don’t change the rules of the global economy we won’t be able to limit climate change.

setembro 1st

Global Turn Around!

1 April, 2010
2 April, 2010
A call to unite and confront the converging global crises of our times, replace the trade and investment pacts and related juggernauts of the corporate-driven global economy, and start building a sustainable economic future together.

junho 12th

STOP the Violence Against Peruvian Indigenous People: STOP NOW THE FTAs! / PAREMOS LA VIOLENCIA contra los pueblos indígenas en Perú!: PAREMOS los TLCs!

The Indigenous populations of the Peruvian Amazonia started a general and peaceful strike for almost 60 days to protest against 10 legislative decrees promoted by the Peruvian Government in order to comply with the Free trade Agreement (FTA) with US that threatens their rights and their environment. More specifically, the FTA with the US permits oil and mining companies to enter 44 out of 75 million hectares of Amazonian forest, which are Indigenous territories, without any kind of agreement or even consultation.

maio 4th

Vamos Parar a Rodada de "do desenvolvimento" de Doha e as outras negociações de livre comércio!

Convocamos as organizações da sociedade civil e os movimentos sociais do mundo inteiro a expressar a nossa oposição enérgica, unitária e inequívoca frente às intenções de conclusão da atual 'rodada' de negociações da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), e a outros tratados de Livre Comércio regionais e bilaterais que os governos tentam impor em muitas partes do mundo.

abril 29th


Stop the WTO destroying developing country industries and selling off our natural resources!

Many people have heard about the WTO opening up markets in services and agriculture, with negative impacts on farmers, public services and the environment world-wide. But now the rest of the world is also up for sale at the World Trade Organization (WTO), as governments plan to liberalise all remaining sectors through a new agreement, known as the Non-Agricultural Market Access or NAMA agreement, which is being

The OWINFS Statement of Political Unity

A Statement of Unity from


“Our World Is Not for Sale” is a worldwide network of organizations; activists and social movements committed to challenging trade and investment agreements that advance the interests of the world’s most powerful corporations at the expense of people and the environment.