Archive - 2006

outubro 2nd

Mr. Mandelsons Quiet Diplomacy

1 October, 2006
European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson ended three days of quiet exploratory discussions here in Washington with a plea for all sides to show more flexibility in order to get the stalled World Trade Organization Doha Development Agenda negotiations back on track.

setembro 29th

Oxfam warns EU-ACP free trade deals are unfair - Call for comprehensive review

28 September, 2006
The European Union must urgently change its negotiating position on free trade deals with some of the world

WTO undermines right to act with precaution: Greenpeace assessment GE-Biotech dispute ruling

28 September, 2006
Greenpeace International today released a legal assessment of the World Trade Organisation

US, EU report no substantive progress on Doha differences

28 September, 2006
U.S. and European Union trade officials this week acknowledged they have made no progress in narrowing their substantive differences on the Doha round of World Trade Organization negotiations in their most recent discussions leading up to this week's visit of EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson.

Oxfam warns EU trade deals could sink poor countries

28 September, 2006
Free trade agreements mooted between the European Union (EU) and several African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries could destroy the economies of poor countries, development agency Oxfam has warned.

Transatlantic biotech trade war: 'No Winners' says FOEE as WTO makes ruling public

28 September, 2006
Press Release: Friends of the Earth Europe has today called for alternative ways to deal with environmental trade disputes.The call comes as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) publishes its final ruling on the transatlantic trade dispute on genetically modified (GM) foods.

setembro 28th

Doha in the Capitals

27 September, 2006
The fate of the Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations will depend largely on what happens in respective national capitals at this juncture, suggesting that there is little point in resuming the suspended talks without a material change in the negotiating positions.

DDA Fate Still Unclear - USTR Schwab

27 September, 2006
Some progress is quietly being made at the technical level on the stalled World Trade Organization Doha Development Agenda trade talks but it still remains unclear whether an agreement can be reached.

US Criticizes China's Services Practices

27 September, 2006
The United States raised some sharp concerns over China's lack of compliance with its scheduled commitments as spelled out in its 2001 accession protocol to the World Trade Organization.

setembro 27th

Mandelson: Enlarged EU preserves its public services model in WTO

26 September, 2006
The EU has become the first member of the World Trade Organization to use the provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) to enable Members to modify their trade commitments.