Archive - out 7, 2005

Geneva Update, 6 October 2005

6 October, 2005
Theme: The Twists and Turns of Trade Negotiations: Hong Kong Approaches

US for first time signals demands on sensitive farm products

6 October, 2005
The U.S. for the first time this week set out conditions on how sensitive agricultural products not subject to formula tariff reductions should be treated under a new World Trade Organization agreement.

Farm bureau unlikely to accept more than 50 percent cut in subsidies

6 October, 2005
American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Bob Stallman said late last week that U.S. negotiators in the Doha round should not accept more than a 50 percent reduction of trade-distorting amber box subsidies in the negotiations

US offers some specifics on food aid plan with three boxes idea

6 October, 2005
U.S. officials over the last few weeks have offered some additional specifics about how it might be able to agree to new disciplines on food aid in the ongoing Doha round