Archive - 2009 - Call to Action

junho 2nd


Dear Friends, As the the climate negotiations intensify on the road to Copenhagen, a key issue that has occuppied much attention is the issue of mitigation and the burden-sharing between developed and developing countries.

Letter to the Presidents and Heads of State: Latin America and the Caribbean

We are writing to you in regard to the upcoming celebration in New York, on June 1 to 3, of the United Nations’ Conference on the Economic and Financial Crisis and its Impact on Develoment. We urge you to give this Conference the priority it deserves and to participate, in your capacity as Heads of State, leading a delegation from your country of the highest level including the participation of relevant ministries and civil society organizations and movements involved in addressing the impacts and building alternatives in the face of this crisis.

European Action Days: 150,000 to 200,000 people will demonstrate in Europe from 14 to 16 May

Some 150,000 to 200,000 people are expected to take to the streets of Madrid, Brussels, Prague and Berlin during the three European Action Days organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) on 14, 15 and 16 May 2009. Other demonstrations will also take place in Luxembourg, Bucharest and Birmingham.