TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) could become a major obstacle for governments willing to switch from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy

4 Dicembre, 2016

by Tom Myers.

The new leaked text of the Annexes on Energy and Environmental Services for the Trade in Services Agreement was published by Wikileaks on the 3rd of December.

TiSA is being negotiated by 22 countries representing 70% of global trade behind closed doors in a secret room in Geneva while all eyes are on Paris where UN public talks are in full swing to design a new climate regime.
If adopted, the current text could become a major obstacle for governments taking policy measure to switch from fossil fuel to renewable sources of energy.

First it would allow fossil fuel companies to sue governments for their domestic regulation in favor of renewable energy and climate protection and

Second it would prevent local governments from using public procurements in favor of green purchases and local sources of renewable energy.

The TiSA talks are taking place in parallel to two other important negotiations regarding the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) which was adopted by 12 countries but has been ratified yet, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Altogether, these three major trade agreements would advance corporate interests and hinder efforts made by governments to protect people and the planet through appropriate public policies.

See also the full analysis published by OWINFS (document attached to this page) and PSI (click here).

Recommended tweet: #stopTiSa: fossil fuel companies could sue governments for policies on climate & energy #unions4climate #cop21 .@uniglobalunion