Press Release: Post-Globalization Initiative, towards a Counter-Summit on G20

2 Maggio, 2013

(Moscow) - Crash of neoliberal model and hegemony of the USA it was declared during scientific conference in Moscow within the Post-globalization initiative.

The director of Institute of Globalization and social movements Boris Kagarlitsky explained that more than a month ago in Tunisia during the World social forum where it and his colleagues were as a part of the commission, there was an arrangement that that now is called as the International post-globalization initiative will be started.

The project idea is organization of the international research group for conceptual development of the principles of the new world economic order, the corresponding social policy, and also reasonable constructive criticism of existing international institutes and practice. “We term this joint project “Post-globalization Initiative” organizing our efforts on international level without forgetting about all sorts of specific differences that make our search for a viable alternative so complicated but also so exciting. Our international debate will result not only in organizing various meetings, discussions, public events, including the Counter-Summit, publishing books and articles in different languages, but also in developing a long term cooperation aimed at changing international public opinion and dominant trends in expert community, opening a strategic perspective for more democratic, egalitarian and people-centered development in a multi-polar world” is written in the manifesto which was signed by various international organizations.

Initiators of the project are: Institute of globalization and social movements (IGSM), Transnational Institute (Amsterdam), the Center of development of civil society (Republic of South Africa), Forum on the Global South, Krityka Polityczna (Poland — Ukraine) and others. During the first conference in Moscow, where a lot of participants had hot and fruitful discussions, one of the main ideas was announced: “ The end of the hegemony of the USA and BRICS as locomotive of new world economic order”.

This thought was declared in the book written by Professor at the Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba Radhica Desai, who visited the conference. Visiting Professor at London Metropolitan University Alan Freeman, who was speaking about investing in civilization, brought an idea when social justice can be the way out of the economic crisis. Politician from Lithuania Algirdas Palekis, Socialist People's Front, illustrated the crush of neoliberal project on the example of his country.

In conclusion participants decided to organize Counter-Summit for G-20 in St. Petersburg. They are sure that it gives an opportunity to form a coalition of movements, non-governmental organizations, labour unions and individuals which are brought together not only by the common need to criticize the “Washington consensus” and current global economic order but also by the common will to design new policies and alternative strategies to overcome the current crisis.

Alexandra Turchaninova,