Chile Attacks EU Curbs On Farmed Salmon Imports

3 February, 2005

SANTIAGO, Feb 4 (AFP) - Chile denounced Friday EU curbs on imported farmed salmon from the South American country, and threatened to challenge Europe's action before the World Trade Organization.

The country 'deeply rejects and regrets the decision of the European Commission to apply restrictions on farmed Atlantic salmon,' the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Chile is one of the world's leading exporters of cultivated salmon, shipping over 1.3 billion dollars' worth in 2004, according to producer association SalmonChile.

Reacting to complaints of dumping from Scottish and Irish salmon farmers, the EU is to apply quotas and minimum prices on farmed salmon from Chile, Norway and the Faeroe Islands this week through August 2008.

The EU earlier set limits on salmon from Chile to no more than three percent of the total European market.

According to Chile, the new restrictions violate trade rules set by the World Trade Organization and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

SalmonChile accused the Europeans of attempting to limit 'the development of salmon farming in Chile.'

02/04/2005 19:04 GMT - AFP