EI Lobbying and Consultation on GATS and Education, 15-17 February 2005

17 February, 2005

In a break from past issues, this edition of TradEducation News focuses on one event - the EI lobbying and consultation carried out in Geneva on 15-17 February 2005.

An EI delegation led by Elie Jouen, Deputy General Secretary, met with nine delegations of WTO member states and the Chair of the Council on Trade in Services in Special Session to discuss the state of play and country positions in the GATS negotiations, especially as they relate to education services. The rest of the EI delegation included: David Robinson, Canada; Carolyn Allport, Australia; Angela Rodgers, UK; Ann Shadwick, USA; Assibi Napoe, EI African Regional Office; and Monique Fouilhoux, EI headquarters.
Mike Waghorne, Public Services International, who works for EI on GATS, was present as an advisor. The report that follows is obviously very condensed from a fuller report that would be essential to record three days of discussions.

The delegation's expected outcomes were to: