Why we oppose CAFTA-DR: A new report from the Oakland Institute

17 May, 2005

Even though President Bush is trying to kick-start his campaign to win passage of the stalled Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), he faces an uphill battle.vThe governments of Central America and the Dominican Republic were forced to concede to the demands of the Bush administration on most of the key elements of the agreement, much against the wishes of their people. But, the fight is far from over. The Bush administration does not have the votes to pass the trade pact even though the agreement was signed a year ago! Byron L. Dorgan (D-North Dakota) has said, 'CAFTA is where the Congress draws the line on America's failed trade policies.'

Why We Oppose CAFTA-DR, a new report from The Oakland Institute, shows why CAFTA is bad for the working poor both in the U.S. and in Central American countries. To read the report, click here or visit