TISA Text and Analysis: Annex on Electronic Commerce

2 July, 2015
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TiSA Annex on Electronic Commerce.pdf433.23 Ko
Analysis-TiSA-Electronic-Commerce-Annex.pdf430.36 Ko

                                                            Análisis del texto del anexo del TISA sobre Comercio Electrónico - Español

TiSA is a treaty currently under negotiation between the United States, the European Union and 23 other countries. The Agreement creates an international legal regime which aims to deregulate and privatize the supply of services and poses new risks to governments’ right to regulate in their national interest.

The draft TISA Annex on Electronic Commerce Text includes U.S. backed measures on e-commerce, technology transfer, cross - border data flows and net neutrality that would expand the scope and rules of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) at the World Trade Organization (WTO). Currently the text places restrictions on the regulation of electronic commercial services, disallows requirements for local data storage and processing, and obliges states to allow private data gathered in connection with the provision of e-commerce services to flow freely over borders. For more information please read the attached analysis of TISA electronic commerce text.

The April 2015 text released by WikiLeaks dates from shortly after the 12th round of TiSA negotiations held from 13-17 April 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.