Briefing on leaked US TISA proposal on e-commerce, technoloy transfer, cross-border data flows and net neutrality

17 December, 2014
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Briefing on US TISA Prposal - E-Commerce, Tec Transfer, data security & net neutrality723.53 Ko

In this brieifing document Professor Jane Kelsey, Faculty of Law, University of Auckland, New Zealand and Dr Burcu Kilic, Public Citizen, Washington DC show how the leaked US proposals mirror the demands of its IT and services industry. The proposal has three objectives, to:

1) advance the commercial interests of its services industry that supplies services across the border, mainly through e-commerce, and foreign direct investment in manufacturing and services.

2) consolidate data repositories to the benefit of the US government, transnational companies (TNCs) and third party commercial interests. This serves a range of commercial and ‘national security’ purposes.

3) prevent or restrict government regulation that impedes the activities and profits of the major global services industries, and guarantees unrestricted cross-border data flows, which impacts on consumer protections, privacy laws, regulatory constraints and competition policy.

For more details read attached briefing paper.