Training Arab countries on NAMA

26 March, 2005

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is strengthening its efforts to prepare the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) member states for membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Saudi Arabia is among the seven OIC countries negotiating accession to the WTO. Out of 147 WTO members, 37 are OIC member countries. In pursuance of that goal the IDB is organizing a seminar in Istanbul on March 29-30 on the current status of WTO negotiations concerning agricultural and non-agricultural market access and challenges and opportunities for the OIC member countries. It will be attended by senior officials dealing with trade issues in the OIC member countries, and WTO members.

The objective is to prepare the OIC member countries for the forthcoming 6th ministerial meeting to be held in Hong Kong in December, and the seminar is within the framework of the bank's WTO-related Technical Assistance Program (TAP) for the OIC member countries.