Archive - 2007 - Article

février 21st

TRIPS/CBD, enforcement dominate talks at TRIPS Council

20 February, 2007
The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity and the issue of enforcement of TRIPS provisions dominated the discussions at a meeting of the TRIPS Council on Tuesday 13 February.

Doha was never about development, says former USTR Barshefsky

20 February, 2007
The Doha Round was launched on false pretences, including calling it a development round, and the ability of developed countries to make it a development round is “absent”, according to former United States Trade Representative, Charlene Barshefsky.

Minister says RI’s Doha stance will stay firm

20 February, 2007
Indonesia will remain firm in its stance favoring “special product exemptions” during the Doha Development Round negotiations, says a minister, brushing aside concerns that the country might compromise on its position in the light of the visit of WTO Director General Pascal Lamy.

Lamy, du Cycle de Doha n’est pas pour nous !!

20 February, 2007
Pascal Lamy is a man with a mission. Since assuming the post of Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in September 2005, the former Trade Commissioner of the European Union has taken to heart his role as the captain of global trade, hoping to steer the 148 Member countries of the WTO into concluding a new multilateral trade agreement under the Doha Round the soonest possible time.

février 19th

Political compulsions keep SAARC, SAFTA?from growing?

18 February, 2007
How far the developing countries will be able to carry on with the least developed ones, by giving them more concessions will determine which way South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) goes.

février 16th

Backlash grows against free trade

15 February, 2007
Worries about the dark side of free trade are surfacing in the United States in ways that could affect the course of globalization worldwide.

février 15th

Doha Services Strategy

14 February, 2007
The success of the Doha Development Agenda services negotiations will result from the number and quality of 'revised offers' which eventually come forward, said services negotiations chair Fernando De Mateo...

WHO DG regrets her reported remarks on Thai compulsory licenses

14 February, 2007
The Director General of the World Health Organisation, Dr. Margaret Chan, has sent a letter to Thailand's Health Minister expressing regret for the embarrassment caused to his government by remarks she was reported to have made in Bangkok that were critical of the compulsory licenses granted by the government for three medicines.

février 14th

Transparency and inclusiveness needed in resumed Doha talks, stresses South

13 February, 2007
Developing countries welcomed, at a WTO General Council meeting on 7 February the full resumption of multilateral negotiations on the Doha Work Programme and stressed on a multilateral process that fully observed the principles of transparency and inclusiveness in achieving an outcome.

Malaysia’s Muhamad Noor to chair WTO General Council

13 February, 2007
Developing countries Wednesday welcomed the 'full resumption of multilateral negotiations' in Geneva on the Doha work programme and development agenda, and made clear that 'any outcome must be the product of a multilateral process that is inclusive and transparent.'