Archive - déc. 2005 - Article

décembre 15th

Rural Women speak against WTO in Hong Kong

14 December, 2005
In yesterday's opening of the Asia Pacific Women's Village at Victoria Park, and during the Talanoa event, the voices of Asian women against WTO were consolidated

Water out of the WTO campaign launched in Hong Kong

14 December, 2005
With representatives from every continent, the campaign

The empty promises of US and EU 'development package'

14 December, 2005
The U.S. and EU are attempting to put a 'development spin' at the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial in announcing a 'development package' comprising of aid for trade, non-binding duty free market access for Least Developing Countries and a few other items.

Poor countries flex muscles at WTO talks

14 December, 2005
Global trade talks were confronted with growing pressure from poorer countries, with African cotton producers and Latin American banana exporters leading the charge for fairer treatment.

Canadian organizations issue statement critical of government?s GATS position at WTO Ministerial

14 December, 2005
In a joint statement released today, Canadian organizations called on the federal government to stop the anti-development services agenda at the WTO Ministerial in Hong Kong

Fuera el agua de la OMC lanzado en Hong Kong

14 December, 2005
Con la presencia de representantes de organizaciones sociales de todos los continentes, fue lanzada la campana FUERA EL AGUA DE LA OMC en el Centro de Convenciones de la VI Reuni

The 'development' deceit of the WTO

14 December, 2005
media statement: WTO really promotes the monopoly profits of TNCs at the cost of deepening underdevelopment of Third World countries.

Developing nations on attack at tense trade talks

14 December, 2005
Developing nations went on the offensive on Thursday as trade talks limped into their third day, with Washington and Tokyo under pressure to accept a duty-free, quota-free exports deal for the world's poorest countries.

Focus: On the Road to Hong Kong (Number 7, 15 December 2005)

14 December, 2005
Day three saw more substantive discussions take place than yesterday on the issues of NAMA, services and agriculture

Statement on Japan's 'Support Package for Developing Countries'

14 December, 2005
We Oppose 'Support Package for Developing Countries' provided by the Japanese government at the sixth WTO Ministerial Conference