Archive - 2005 - Article

novembre 26th

Revised NAMA and Agriculture reports

25 November, 2005
links to the ag and NAMA reports in track changes

WTO Services Chair issues second draft ministerial text on services

25 November, 2005
The Chair of the services negotiations in the WTO, Ambassador Fernando de Mateo of Mexico, issued Wednesday evening his revised draft Ministerial text on services.

New Services draft meets with resistance

25 November, 2005
The Chair of the Services Negotiations was bluntly told by five ASEAN countries Thursday 24 Nov that his (second) revised draft Ministerial text on services did not 'enjoy consensus', and that Mateo's 'dismissal' of the views of the ASEAN did not 'fit together neatly with the claim in (the Chair's) cover note that the revised draft has been prepared on the basis of submissions by Members'.

Lamy submits draft ministerial text for Hong Kong

25 November, 2005
Director-General Pascal Lamy, at an informal meeting of heads of delegations on 26 November 2005, introduced the Draft Ministerial Text for the 6th Ministerial Conference

Two new G-33 proposals on Special Products and the Special Safeguard Mechanism

25 November, 2005
links to two new G-33 proposals on Special Products and the Special Safeguard Mechanism

novembre 25th

Queen to open Commonwealth summit dominated by trade issue

24 November, 2005
Queen Elizabeth II will open a 53-nation Commonwealth summit here likely to be dominated by developing countries' concerns over next month's WTO trade talks in Hong Kong.

EU says sugar reform deal strengthens hand in WTO talks

24 November, 2005
The European Union agreed on a major overhaul of its sugar subsidy program Thursday, cutting prices by 36 percent in a landmark deal that the EU said would strengthen its hand in upcoming world trade talks.

KoPA Newsletter #2

24 November, 2005
Contains three articles: Plan to Liberalize Korean Rice Market Ratified in Korean Parliament - Series of suicides

The WTO 6th Ministerial: People Power vs. Corporate Power

24 November, 2005
A grand global fight looms in Hong Kong in December

?Asymmetry? in Doha Reports

24 November, 2005
With submission of 'situational' reports to the World Trade Organization Trade Negotiations Committee on the various negotiations in the Doha Development Agenda now submitted, the stage is set for a showdown among members in advance of a December 13 to 18 trade ministerial meeting