Archive - 2005 - Article

décembre 9th

WTO issues new ministerial text for Hong Kong, but without cover note

8 December, 2005
The latest draft is more interesting for what it omits than what it has added. The cover note that was attached to the 1 December draft has been removed.

décembre 8th

Critics Say Doha Talks Not Likely To Help Developing Nations

7 December, 2005
Two key critics of the World Trade Organization said today they do not believe the Doha round of negotiations is moving toward an agreement that would help most developing countries.

Lamy: dishonest broker in trade talks, disappearance of cover note

7 December, 2005
Lamy has proven himself to be a dishonest broker for developing countries. Members have been given an assurance on the 2nd December General Council meeting that the cover note that was attached to the 1 December draft would be retained on the draft text transmitted to Hong Kong.

Reassessing risks and dangers, on the eve of Hong Kong

7 December, 2005
As delegates from Geneva prepared to leave for Hong Kong (some of them via their own capitals), many were uncertain how the WTO's Ministerial meeting would be run, and how much negotiations are to be expected on the key issues, as against stock-taking and planning the post-Hong Kong schedule.

Chambliss Warns Congress Might Reject Doha Agreement

7 December, 2005
Senate Agriculture Chairman Chambliss struck a strong negative note on the Doha round of worldwide trade negotiations Wednesday, saying several proposals would cause Congress to reject a deal if they are included in the final agreement.

Kenya seeks curbs on farm subsidies

7 December, 2005
Kenya has renewed its call for a reduction of domestic subsidies on agriculture in developed countries that have restricted access of exports to their markets. The other area of concern for Kenya is the elimination of subsidies to support exports that compete unfavourably with those from developing countries.

décembre 7th

Keep fisheries out of Nama, says Indian industry

6 December, 2005
With the WTO ministerial conference scheduled to start in Hong Kong from December 13, the Indian marine industry has sought removal of fisheries from the non-agricultural market access (Nama) negotiations.

Put development in the 'Development Round'

6 December, 2005
Kenyan civil society is calling upon the Government to ensure that the upcoming World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial in Hong Kong puts development issues at the forefront.

Lamy plans to hoodwink Africans with empty 'development' and aid promises

6 December, 2005
The Hong Kong Ministerial will be choreographed in order to heighten the likelihood that the

décembre 6th

WTO deals pose global threat: report

5 December, 2005
With only days left before the World Trade Organization holds its sixth ministerial meeting in Hong Kong, a new report claims that the agreements reached at these trade negotiations pose a threat to people and their environment around the world.