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septembre 6th, 2007

Open Statement to the APEC Leaders Meeting

5 September, 2007
Representatives of 21 NGOs from the Asia Pacific region have delivered an open statement urging APEC leaders to 'stop making claims' that APEC reduces poverty. The group gathered in the heart of Sydney's CBD outside the city's Town Hall while New South Wales police stood nearby to ensure Sydney-siders would be spared hearing comments critical of APEC. Police had informed the group they would be permitted todisplay signs critical of APEC but not chant, speak, or rally in public.

septembre 3rd

US ready to talk tough to get Apec deal

2 September, 2007
President George W. Bush will seek to breathe fresh life into the stalled Doha round of international trade negotiations during the annual summit of Pacific Rim nations in Sydney this week.

août 31st

WTO probes China export subsidy claims

30 August, 2007
The World Trade Organisation on Friday launched a formal investigation into allegations by the US and Mexico that China is unfairly subsidising exports through tax breaks and other incentives.

août 30th

Demand for white paper on WTO gains and losses

29 August, 2007
A national consultation on

août 29th

India to ask for revision of Nama draft in Geneva

28 August, 2007
New Delhi, Aug 29 India would demand revision of the draft on non agricultural market access for the WTO Doha round negotiations to move forward when it resume on September 3 in Geneva.

août 24th

Surveys show EU?s Green Box subsidies are trade-distorting

23 August, 2007
In the current negotiations on agricultural subsidies at the World Trade Organisation, much of the attention has been given to the issue of the overall trade-distorting support (OTDS) of developed countries.

US Farm Bill is a "setback" for Doha negotiations

23 August, 2007
The United States' 2007 Farm Bill, which has been passed by the House of Representatives and will next be considered by the Senate, is likely to be a stumbling block in the negotiations to finalise the "modalities" in agriculture, when the World Trade Organisation resumes its work in early September.

août 20th

Indonesia and Japan ink trade pact

19 August, 2007
The leaders of Indonesia and Japan signed a free trade pact in Jakarta on Monday that will eliminate well over 90 per cent of tariffs in trade between the two nations that last year was worth $27.2bn.

août 18th

Indonesia likely to be the loser in Japan agreement

17 August, 2007
Analysts here say an economic partnership agreement due to be signed next week between Indonesia and Japan will do more to benefit Japanese companies than domestic businesses.

août 16th

Stop the ´EPAs´ offensive by the EU against the Southern African development community

15 August, 2007
Hundreds of representatives of social and labour organisations, faith-based, community-based and health networks, small farmers, traders, women and youth organisations, and developmental, human rights and environmental NGOs from across the whole of the Southern African region have gathered in a Peoples Summit in Lusaka, Zambia, 15-16 August 2007, parallel to the SADC Heads of State summit.