Archive - Article

juin 2nd, 2009

Kirk Opens Drive to Revive Doha Round To Achieve Successful Conclusion to Talks

12 May, 2009
United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk met with representatives of key World Trade Organization member countries May 11 for a first round of exchanges on how to get the stalled Doha trade talks back on track and towards a successful conclusion.

International trade helps solve food crisis: WTO

11 May, 2009
GENEVA (Reuters) - International trade is part of the solution to the global food crisis and not one of its causes, the head of the World Trade Organization said on Sunday.

juin 1st

A New Trade Framework for Workers throughout the World

29 May, 2009
The 32nd Congress of the International Metalworkers Federation held in Sweden this week resolved to mobilise metalworkers around the world for trade policies aimed at creating good jobs for all, promoting the fundamental workers’ rights and ensuring the right for all countries to development and to decent working and living conditions for their citizens.

WTO rejoices over Kamal Nath's exit from trade and commerce

1 June, 2009

Geneva heaves a sigh of relief. With Kamal Nath moved out of the Indian Commerce Ministry, the probability of concluding the contentious Doha Development Round of the WTO appears much brighter. Not that Kamal Nath was un-necessarily throwing spanners but his strong grip over the trade negotiations helped India to resist bullying and arm-twisting by the big boys of international trade.

Canada-Colombia Trade Deal Removed from Canadian Government's Legislative Agenda

1 June, 2009
As a result of increasing parliamentary and public concern, Bill C-23, the implementing legislation for the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), has been removed from the Canadian government's current legislative agenda.

avril 23rd

My intro to wto page

23 April, 2009
this is my page. adadadafsdfsd gfdgd

mars 12th


1 March, 2009


S2B Letter to Martin Ríman, EU President

1 March, 2009

The Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B) would like to welcome you in the EU Presidency. We hope
that we will be able to build a constructive dialogue around the EU trade policy – in the direction of
a trade policy that puts people and the environment first.

mars 5th

Obama Administration Delays Trade Negotiations For Now

25 February, 2009

The Obama administrations message on trade negotiations inherited from its predecessor is emerging and it clearly says: we'll get back to you when we have the necessary cabinet officials in place, such as a U.S. Trade Representative, and have had time to review our trade policy.

Jobs, Not Shopping

1 March, 2009

Protectionism did not cause the depression. Indeed, moderate protection is what we need.