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septembre 11th, 2003

Brazil upbeat on agriculture outcome, ACP Group confirm their stand on Singapore issues

10 September, 2003
Brazillian Minister, Celso Amorim, said that the G21 was 'fully satisfied' that the Conference Chair will ensure that the contribution of the Group will be considered in the agenda and work programme of the Conference.

Historic Cartagena Biosafety Protocol Comes Into Effect

10 September, 2003
One of the Protocol's major provisions embodies the 'Precautionary Principle', recognizing that a country can forbid importation when there is not sufficient information or research results to do an adequate assessment.

Cancun Ministerial Starts In Shadow Of Protests And An Untransparent Process

10 September, 2003
A group of Korean farmers rammed a steel barricade on the road that was meant to prevent protestors from entering the zone.

septembre 10th

Greetings To Everyone From The WTO Meeting And Social Movements Resistance.

9 September, 2003
In an important development, yesterday the G-21 countries met yesterday to strengthen their alliance on the key issue of agriculture within the WTO.

Protesters March On Cancun

9 September, 2003
Yesterday, some 1,000 anarchists and leftists marched through downtown Cancun, banging drums and chanting anti-WTO slogans.

Korean Farmer Takes Own Life Amid Protests in Canc?n

9 September, 2003
'We all regret this sad incident,' WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi said after Lee Kyang Hae, 55, stabbed himself during a protest.

Peasant Farmers Show Strength In Cauldron Of Grassroots Politics

9 September, 2003
Cancun is a symbol of globalisation, and the growing gap between the rich and the poor.

septembre 9th

Agriculture Becomes The Centerpiece-

8 September, 2003
All major press conferences organized on 9th September a day before the Cancun Ministerial Conference (September 10-14, 2003) clearly show that Agriculture is going to make or break the Cancun Ministerial Conference of the WTO.

India Steps Up Attack On US, EU Ahead Of WTO Meet

8 September, 2003
Strong domestic support and export subsidies in developed nations have placed tremendous curbs on the export of farm goods by developing nations which had been blocking progress on other fronts in the WTO.

The WTO Should Take A Look In Cancun's Back Yard.

8 September, 2003
'They promised tourist development that would help indigenous people, help the local people and help the poor people. And we noticed at the beginning of the process that that was lies, that wasn't the way it was going to be.' -Aguillon