Archive - Article

juillet 19th, 2004

WTO July Package: A Pared Down Agenda Still Full Of Controversy

18 July, 2004
Although pared down - investment, competition and government procurement have been dropped - the framework is still likely to pose problems for many countries.

juillet 16th

Comments On The July General Council Draft Decision

15 July, 2004
The development concerns are not given priority or even recognition and respect, in many areas (especially in NAMA, S and D, implementation and agriculture) and in overall balance.

juillet 14th

G90 Meeting hears views on July package from G90 groupings, G20, EU and US

13 July, 2004
Amorim said that the G20 was formed in the lead up to Cancun to make sure that a framework for trade in agriculture would lead to an outcome in line with the interests of the developing countries and in keeping with the Doha mandate.

Groser's 'Semantic Skills' May Decide July Package Fate

13 July, 2004
The US in effect would like to create a 'special blue box' for itself, to accommodate the mandatory counter-cyclical payments provided by its post-Doha Farm legislation of 2002.

juillet 12th

WTO Agriculture Meeting Postponed

11 July, 2004
Mr. Tim Groser of New Zealand has postponed the meetings of the Committee scheduled for 14-16 July.

juin 30th

Doha Should Inspire More Confidence

29 June, 2004
Critics of the Doha development agenda who suggest these trade negotiations hold little potential benefit for poor nations bring to mind the old adage that one should not make the perfect the enemy of the good.

juin 29th

Strong Disagreements Break Out At NAMA Meeting

28 June, 2004
Many counties also rejected the proposal by the Chair of the NAMA negotiating group, and by some members, to set up a so-called 'vehicle' where some indication of divergence of views could be given.

juin 18th

Monsanto Withdraws Roundup Ready Wheat Regulatory Submissions

17 June, 2004
'Monsanto's follow-up announcement gives finality to their earlier decision on Roundup Ready wheat,' -Alan Tracy

juin 12th

G20 Ministerial Communiqu? Lays Out Main Principles For Framework

11 June, 2004
The G20 Ministerial Communique was adopted after a meeting of the group on 12 June, on the eve of UNCTAD XI.