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mars 8th, 2005

After Seattle and Canc?n... Next stop: Hong Kong

7 March, 2005
Once again, the peoples of the world will expose, right at WTO's doorstep, the consequences of its corporate-driven agenda on the livelihoods and working conditions of men, women and children worldwide.

Planning NAMA Negotiations

7 March, 2005
Johannesson has proposed to negotiators a checklist of issues to form part of an eventual formula to cut tariffs.

mars 7th

Moving DDA Ag Talks Ahead

6 March, 2005
The EU will contribute constructively 'to matching an agreement on the AVEs issue by end of April,' said EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson.

Dispute Settlement: United States - Subsidies on Upland Cotton

6 March, 2005
On 6 February 2003, Brazil requested the establishment of a panel to examine the conformity with WTO law of certain US agricultural-support measures to producers, users and exporters of upland cotton .

Moving DDA Ag Talks Ahead

6 March, 2005
This three-day informal trade ministerial meeting cross the first hurdle in grappling with the contentious issue of converting special and complex tariffs into ad valorem equivalents.

Mombasa Mini Ministerial And Development Issues

6 March, 2005
EU trade commissioner said in the closed-door session that he does not feel 'apologetic' about raising the differentiation issue at last week's mini-ministerial World Trade Organization meeting.

AVE Progress Cited at WTO Mini-Ministerial, Deadline Set for NAMA Tariff-Cutting Formula

6 March, 2005
Senior officials attending a March 2-4 World Trade Organization "mini-ministerial" in Kenya reported progress on resolving their differences.

U.S. Business Group To Seek Steep Cuts In Goods Tariffs In WTO's Doha Round

6 March, 2005
The study underscores the need for an ambitious approach in the NAMA talks, Irace said, and for significant cuts in industrial tariffs by advanced developing countries

U.S. Business Group to Seek Steep Cuts in Goods Tariffs in WTO's Doha Round

6 March, 2005
The NFTC released a study March 4 that found significant tariff cuts will be necessary in order to impact trade flows.