Archive - Article

juin 10th, 2005

Food aid and state trading exercises

9 June, 2005

APEC Ministers Agree on WTO Tariff-Cutting Formula for Industrial Goods; USTR Portman Visits China to discuss bilateral trade issues

9 June, 2005
At the June 2-3 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Cheju, Korea, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Portman and Trade Ministers from the 20 other APEC economies unanimously endorsed a strong statement advancing an ambitious outcome to the WTO Doha negotiations and spurring further progress toward free and open trade and investment in the Asia Pacific region.

juin 9th

For Bolivia, Neoliberalism is Not an Option

8 June, 2005
As the Organization of American States completes its three-day session debating the role of free trade and neoliberalism in fostering democracy for the continent, the country of Bolivia is on the brink of a civil war over that very question.

African Ministers on EPAs

8 June, 2005
African ministers have adopted a declaration on EPAs calling for singapore issues to be out of the EPAs

US Moves NAMA Forward

8 June, 2005
Part of the push came from the strong support for an ambitious NAMA approach tabled earlier this week by Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation trade ministers, who met last week in South Korea.


8 June, 2005
Senior trade officials from the US and Australia had welcomed the agreement, with Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile saying that it would 'inject new momentum' into the talks at the WTO.

juin 7th

United Nations Children's Committee Warns Nicaragua About CAFTA Threats

6 June, 2005
Nicaragua was warned last Friday by a United Nations Human Rights Body that Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations should not undermine the State

juin 6th

Bolivia's Poor Indigenous Population Rises Up to Demand Nationalization of their Nation's Energy Resources

5 June, 2005
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Jim Schultz, executive director of the Democracy Center in Cochabamba, Bolivia, who analyzes the roots of the nation's popular resistance to U.S.-backed neoliberal economic policies and their connection to the wider progressive movements across Latin America.

juin 4th

Chamber of Deputies unanimously approves parliamentary bill to free Aids drug patents

3 June, 2005
The Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission of the Chamber of Deputies (CCJ) unanimously approved a Bill modifying Article 18 of the Brazilian Patents Law thereby freeing Aids drugs from patent coverage.

juin 3rd

Divisions emerge as WTO members begin sensitive farm product talks

2 June, 2005
Significant differences emerged this week between the U.S. and other agricultural exporters and the EU and other importers of farm commodities as World Trade Organization members for the first time discussed how to treat...