Archive - Article

octobre 14th, 2005

G20 proposal on market access and domestic support

13 October, 2005
Link to G20 proposal

'Last Chance' DDA Meeting Next Week

13 October, 2005
Ahead of what is being described as the 'last chance' meeting next week of the 'Five Interested Parties' the United States, the European Union, India, Brazil and Australia Indian trade minister Kamal Nath raised the stakes for a possible confrontation with the United States, charging that Washington has not substantially reduced its trade-distorting domestic subsidies in real terms in its latest proposal

Oakland Institute Releases Roadmap to End Hunger

13 October, 2005
In a dramatic departure from prevailing thought about international food aid programs, The Oakland Institute's new report, Food Aid or Food Sovereignty?, Ending World Hunger in Our Time, recommends food sovereignty as the policy tool to achieve food self-sufficiency

octobre 13th

France tells Britain of 'concern' over EU position in WTO farm aid talks

12 October, 2005
The French government has contacted Britain to express its 'concern' at the European Commission's negotiating style at world trade talks underway

octobre 12th

WTO Proposes Protest Zones for Summit

11 October, 2005
Organizers of a WTO summit in Hong Kong have proposed several zones to contain the 10,000 anti-globalization protesters expected to gather here in December for the conference.

G33 Ministerial Statement

11 October, 2005
Link to the G33 ministerial statement of 11 October 2005

Fair Trade Groups Ask Congress to Oppose Bush Trade Proposal

11 October, 2005
Family farm, religious, conservation and other fair trade organizations sent a letter to key members of Congress calling on them to resist a specific Bush Administration proposal that would change rules at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to shift U.S. farm payments from one category to another.

Criticizing the US Proposal

11 October, 2005
The United States yesterday failed * during a five hour meeting of the 'Five Interested Parties' group * to fully convince the European Union, Brazil, India and Australia of the merits of the US plan to end export subsidies and significantly reduce domestic farm spending around the world

Canada Warns That Tariffs on Lumber Could Imperil U.S. Access to Oil

11 October, 2005
Upset over persistent American tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber, Canadian leaders are warning the Bush administration that it is risking secure access to Canadian oil supplies.