Archive - Article

novembre 16th, 2005

Taiwan Premier Vows to Protect Farming Interests in Wto Meeting

15 November, 2005
Taiwan farmers' interests must be protected and this will be the top priority of a national delegation taking part in a World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha round ministerial-level meeting next month in Hong Kong, Premier Frank Hsieh said Tuesday.

State of NAMA negotiations 'bad and confusing', according to chairman

15 November, 2005
The state of negotiations in the WTO on non-agricultural market access (NAMA) is 'bad' and the picture is becoming more confused, according to the chairperson of the NAMA negotiating group.

17 ways the European Commission is pushing trade liberalization on poor countries

15 November, 2005
In the run-up to the World Trade Organisation meeting in Hong Kong in December, the European Union is leading a big push to deepen

novembre 15th

US, EU need to 'go further' on agriculture: Blair

14 November, 2005
British Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the United States and the European Union to 'go further' on agriculture to make a success of next month's World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in Hong Kong.

APEC blames Europe for trade deadlock, calls urgent meeting

14 November, 2005
Asia-Pacific nations blamed the European Union for the gridlock in global trade talks as they called an urgent meeting to rescue next month's World Trade Organisation forum in Hong Kong.

novembre 14th

U.S. asks Beijing for a WTO favor

13 November, 2005
Senior U.S. officials on Monday called on China to open its markets further but also sought Chinese help in breaking an impasse in global trade talks, a combination of tough demands and pleas for assistance that increasingly characterizes the broader Chinese-American relationship

EU's Barroso urges US, Brazil to move on WTO

13 November, 2005
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said on Sunday there would be no new world trade agreement at a summit in Hong Kong next month unless the United States and Brazil compromised.

Violent Korean farmers granted voice at Hong Kong WTO meet

13 November, 2005
A militant Korean farmers' group, considered among the world's most violent anti-globalisation groups, has been granted a permit for an upcoming trade summit in Hong Kong, an official website revealed.

novembre 11th

WTO General Council successfully adopts Saudi Arabia's terms of accession

10 November, 2005
The General Council formally concluded, on 11 November 2005, negotiations with Saudi Arabia on the terms of the country's membership to the WTO

Stand fast, Third World

10 November, 2005
For Amorim and the other negotiators from developing countries that have been run over by the rich world in trade talks for the past 50 years, this page has two words: Stand fast.