Archive - 2016


janvier 18th

Africa needs substantial cuts in domestic subsidies of North, US told

5 October, 2015
The African Group on Monday (September 28) has told the United States that they will need substantial reduction commitments in the domestic support pillar of agriculture based on the 2008 revised draft modalities to conclude the Doha Round, African trade envoys told the SUNS.

Africa needs substantial cuts in domestic subsidies of North, US told

1 October, 2015
The African Group on Monday (September 28) has told the United States that they will need substantial reduction commitments in the domestic support pillar of agriculture based on the 2008 revised draft modalities to conclude the Doha Round, African trade envoys told the SUNS.

Afrique: L'Afrique et l'OMC - Vers un risque d'affaiblissement du programme de développement

9 October, 2015
guest column Par Biraj Patnaik et Timothy A. Wise / Les dirigeants doivent lutter contre les atteintes au mandat de développement de Doha. A la réunion ministérielle de l'OMC de 2013, l'Inde s'est retrouvée bien seule face à la pression des pays riches sur son gouvernement contre son programme prônant la sécurité alimentaire et la constitution de stocks alimentaires. Cependant, elle est loin d'être seule lorsqu'il s'agit de reconnaître la valeur des réserves publiques alimentaires comme une garantie contre la volatilité des prix et les pénuries éventuelles, et comme partie intégrante des programmes de lutte contre la pauvreté.

Don't TRIP over at WTO

9 October, 2016
Shalini Bhutani writes why the developed countries should not be allowed to expand IPR in a 21st century agenda for the WTO? The World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) insists on pate-nts in every field of technology which includes seed technolog-ies in agriculture and agrichemicals. This has a bearing on the crisis of farmers’ own seeds.

janvier 14th

Wikileaks releases new TISA documents on Evionmental services and Eneregy related services

3 December, 2015
Today, Thursday, December 3, 10am EST, WikiLeaks releases new secret documents from the huge Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) which is being negotiated by the US, EU and 22 other countries that account for 2/3rds of global GDP. Coinciding with the ongoing climate talks in Paris, today's publication touches on issues of crucial relevance including the regulation of energy, industrial development, workers' rights and the natural environment. WikiLeaks is also publishing expert analyses of the documents.

TiSA: A Framework for Reregulating the Global Trade in Services?

8 December, 2016
Jude Kirton-Darling, Labour Member of the European Parliament for the North East of England, writes on International Trade in Services Agreement (TISA)

TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) could become a major obstacle for governments willing to switch from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy

4 December, 2016

The new leaked text of the Annexes on Energy and Environmental Services for the Trade in Services Agreement was published by Wikileaks on the 3rd of December. TiSA is being negotiated by 22 countries representing 70% of global trade behind closed doors in a secret room in Geneva while all eyes are on Paris where UN public talks are in full swing to design a new climate regime.

Déception climatique: “objectifs” non contraignants pour le climat, mais règles contraignantes pour le commerce de services

4 December, 2015
Le monde entier regarde les chefs d’Etat de presque tous les pays de la planète, réunis à Paris cette semaine pour fixer des objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre pour contrer le changement climatique global. Malheureusement, des représentants de 50 des mêmes gouvernements se réunissent aussi cette semaine à Genève pour négocier des règles contraignantes qui vont sérieusement limiter la capacité des pays à atteindre ces objectifs.