Archive - 2006

juillet 17th

G-6 Agrees To Meet Twice In July After Push From G-8 Leaders

16 July, 2006
Trade ministers from the U.S. and five other World Trade Organization members have agreed at a meeting today (July 17) to gather again twice this month in Geneva in an effort to push the struggling WTO talks forward.

Numsa plan marches on US and EU embassies over tariffs reductions

16 July, 2006
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) is to stage countrywide general strikes in August to halt removal of industrial tariffs which are expected to open up markets and destroy more jobs and industries.

G8 leaders face packed agenda on summit's last day

16 July, 2006
Leaders of the major world powers face a packed agenda including trade talks and a possible statement on world oil prices on Monday, the last day of a G8 summit overshadowed by violence in the Middle East.

G8 leaders call on WTO head to push for end to Doha talks within months

16 July, 2006
Leaders of the Group of Eight major industrial countries on Sunday recommended a two-week extension for a deadline aimed at breaking the impasse over long-stalled global trade negotiations.

juillet 14th

G8: no mandate to take world trade negotiations forward; Development and Environment NGOs as well as trade unions warn of de-industrialization and environmental destruction as a result of cuts in industrial tariffs

13 July, 2006
Leading industrial powers will aim to move forward the global trade negotiations, which failed at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in June, when they meet at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, from tomorrow. Development and environment groups as well as trade unions condemn this as illegitimate.

Schwabb expresses hope for Doha despite daunting challenges

13 July, 2006
U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab last Friday (July 7) insisted the only Doha deal the U.S. will accept is an ambitious one, and stressed that this requires a definition of how sensitive agriculture products will be treated so that members will know exactly how much market access they are to get.

juillet 13th

Uncertainty and confusion at WTO after failed Ministerial

12 July, 2006
There has been an unusually quiet atmosphere at the World Trade Organisation since the Ministerial-level meetings ended on 1 July without substantive result.

Nath sticks to guns at meeting with Lamy

12 July, 2006
Commerce & industry minister Kamal Nath on Wednesday said that India cannot offer further market access in agriculture and industrial goods sector, till developed countries agree to reduce agriculture subsidies substantially.

Mandelson wants Europe to flex its trade muscles

12 July, 2006
The EU must pursue an aggressive agenda to open foreign markets to its goods and services even if the current round of world trade liberalisation talks is successful, according to a paper drawn up by the directorate-general of Peter Mandelson, the European commissioner for trade.

juillet 12th

The WTO and the World´s Poor

11 July, 2006
As President Bush once tried to say, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Paul Wolfowitz, who fooled us once when he was pitching the line about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as the Deputy Secretary of Defense, is now out to fool us again.