
juin 27th, 2006

Time for a New Approach to the Multilateral Trading System: Over 100 Civil Society Groups Demand the Burial of the Doha Round

26 June, 2006
In a letter sent today to Trade Ministers at the WTO, more than 100 civil society groups from around the world denounced the legitimacy of an exclusive Ministerial meeting in Geneva this week, and urged trade ministers to develop a new approach to the multilateral trading system. The signatories represented civil society groups from more than 30 countries, including the big WTO players - US, EU, Japan, Canada, Australia and India - as well as smaller countries like, Senegal, Uganda, Nigeria and Bolivia.

Agriculture Modalities draft issued, with warning against false solutions

26 June, 2006
The two papers on draft possible modalities for agriculture and non-agricultural market access (NAMA) for the WTO negotiations were issued on Thursday (22 June) at lunch-time, a day after they were expected to be sent to Members. A meeting on Friday morning will allow members to give their comments on the agriculture paper.

NAMA modalities paper shows up many areas of division

26 June, 2006
The paper on draft modalities for non-agriculture market access (NAMA) that will serve as the basis for WTO negotiations in the next ten days contains little in the form of agreed text, and more in terms of comments on the areas of present disagreement among the WTO members.

Anti-globalisers want WTO trade round 'buried'

26 June, 2006
More than 100 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) opposed to trade liberalisation on Tuesday demanded the WTO's troubled Doha round be 'buried' as ministers prepare to fly to Geneva in a bid to revitalise it.

juin 23rd

The Doha round: Success is assured - but what kind of success?

22 June, 2006
The Dance of the Seven Veils appears pedestrian when compared with the strip-tease currently being performed by the world's trade negotiators in Geneva. They are slowly and finally revealing their concessions to open global trade - just in time.

juin 22nd

ACP submits wide-ranging paper on agriculture modalities

21 June, 2006
On the eve of the issuance of a draft modalities paper on agriculture by the Chair of the WTO's agriculture negotiations, the ACP Group has submitted a paper updating its position on various issues in agriculture modalities.

WTO stalemate threatens development disaster

21 June, 2006
New proposals on global trade rules on agriculture and industrial goods (Non Agricultural Market Access or NAMA) released today show a deadlock in negotiations that could spell failure for the Doha round of trade talks.

Draft Modalities on Agriculture and NAMA

21 June, 2006
The Draft Modalities on Agriculture and NAMA are now available on the WTO website.

Draft WTO Texts Show Broad Differences Among WTO Members

21 June, 2006
The draft texts released today by the WTO on trade rules for agriculture and industrial products reflect the broad divergences that remain between WTO Members over the Doha Round, according to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. The possibility for concluding the Doha Round this year is becoming increasingly remote.

juin 21st

Uphill battles for South in WTO's end-June process

20 June, 2006
The 'end of June' process at the WTO is expected to start in earnest on Wednesday (21 June) with the issuance of two papers - the draft modalities on agriculture and on non-agricultural market access (NAMA).