
novembre 2nd, 2006

Five Protesters Removed at WTO Chief’s Speech

1 November, 2006
Police removed five protesters who interrupted World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Pascal Lamy with cries of “the world is not for sale” and “you glorify feudalism” when he spoke at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum yesterday about the WTO and accountability.

Clash in TRIPS Council on IPR enforcement issue

1 November, 2006
Many developing countries have opposed another attempt by the European Union and other developed countries to have the TRIPS Council of the WTO to deal with enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Vietnam receives green light to join WTO

1 November, 2006
Members of the World Trade Organization negotiating the terms of Vietnam's membership concluded their talks on Thursday 26 October by accepting the accession documents that spell out Vietnam's commitments and rights.

novembre 1st

G33 slams “flawed” World Bank paper on special products

31 October, 2006
The Group of 33 in the WTO has complained to World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz about a paper on Special Products (SPs) produced by the Bank which the Group says contains a serious misrepresentation of the purpose and effects of SPs.

Doha proposals would lead to heavy losses, few benefits

31 October, 2006
The proposed deals of the Doha Round negotiations to date would cause developing countries generally to incur much more costs than the negligible benefits that would go to a few, and the present pause in the negotiations should be welcomed so that a rethinking of the negotiations can be undertaken.

octobre 30th

Protest Against 3rd Round of US-Malaysia FTA talks

29 October, 2006
Some 300 activists today held a noisy protest calling for the suspension of free-trade agreement (FTA) talks with the United States, Malaysia's major trading partner.

Women ‘most vulnerable’ under US-M’sia FTA

29 October, 2006
Women will be the worst affected by the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), said activists who co-organised a protest against the ongoing talks in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

octobre 28th

Bharatiya Kissan Union prevents contamination from a GM rice plot in Haryana:

27 October, 2006
Finds out that farmer had not been given information on the trial in his land; Ensures that DBT guidelines are followed by the company.

octobre 27th

WTO TRIPS Council Stumbles Over Inclusion Of Enforcement

26 October, 2006
A meeting of the World Trade Organization committee responsible for intellectual property rights this week erupted in disagreement over how to address enforcement of those rights in the committee.

Leading Ministers of ACP states criticize EPA process, content

26 October, 2006
Leading Trade Ministers in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of states have strongly criticised the lack of development content of the Economic Partnership Agreements that they are negotiating with the European Union Commission.