
janvier 20th

G33 criticizes World Bank paper on Special Products

19 January, 2007
The Group of 33 developing countries in the WTO has warned the World Bank that its revised draft paper on agricultural special products (SPs) is fundamentally flawed in its assumptions and methodology and could have adverse consequences for the Doha Round negotiations.

janvier 19th

WTO plans threaten sea life: Greenpeace

18 January, 2007
Pirates and licensed trawlers are pillaging the world's oceans, while proposals on the table for trade ministers meeting in Switzerland next week could prove the final blow to sea life, Greenpeace said on Friday.

China says int’l (WTO) IP rules will apply in domestic trials

18 January, 2007
International intellectual property rights laws will take precedence whenever they are applied in Chinese domestic trials even if they differ from domestic laws, a senior judicial figure told a national conference on IPR-related trials according to the China Daily newspaper

janvier 18th

Resisting free trade from the South: Building alliances and common strategies

We envision this strategy meeting to be an opportunity for all of us to build and strengthen alliances and work together on a common action plan on not only on the WTO but on FTAs and EPAs as well.

Water Privatization & Investment Disputes: The Case of Biwater v. Tanzania

17 January, 2007
The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) and the Lawyers

janvier 17th

Optimistic USTR admits nowhere near ‘breakthrough’

16 January, 2007
The United States Trade

Committee: Rafidah skirting main FTA issues news report of our farmers coalition questioning our Minister of International Trade.

16 January, 2007
International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz has not addressed the main concerns surrounding the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), claimed a regional grouping of fishermen and farmers today.

janvier 15th

No Artificial Deadlines - USTR Schwab

14 January, 2007
'Content' and 'substance' - not artificial deadlines - will set the stage for a breakthrough in the precarious Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations, US Trade Representative Susan Schwab said here on Friday after a face-to-face meeting with World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy.

French trade view irks Mandelson

14 January, 2007
Peter Mandelson has accused France of being 'needlessly defensive' over farm subsidy cuts as he and other officials try to revive global trade talks.