
mars 7th, 2005

AVE Progress Cited at WTO Mini-Ministerial, Deadline Set For NAMA Tariff-Cutting Formula

6 March, 2005
Allgeier said he believed WTO members were close to a final deal on the methodology. 'There's sort of odds and ends [that need to be resolved], but not the basic substance of it,'

Moving DDA Ag Talks Ahead

6 March, 2005
The EU will contribute constructively 'to matching an agreement on the AVEs issue by end of April,' said EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson.

Dispute Settlement: United States - Subsidies on Upland Cotton

6 March, 2005
On 6 February 2003, Brazil requested the establishment of a panel to examine the conformity with WTO law of certain US agricultural-support measures to producers, users and exporters of upland cotton .

Moving DDA Ag Talks Ahead

6 March, 2005
This three-day informal trade ministerial meeting cross the first hurdle in grappling with the contentious issue of converting special and complex tariffs into ad valorem equivalents.

Mombasa Mini Ministerial And Development Issues

6 March, 2005
EU trade commissioner said in the closed-door session that he does not feel 'apologetic' about raising the differentiation issue at last week's mini-ministerial World Trade Organization meeting.

AVE Progress Cited at WTO Mini-Ministerial, Deadline Set for NAMA Tariff-Cutting Formula

6 March, 2005
Senior officials attending a March 2-4 World Trade Organization "mini-ministerial" in Kenya reported progress on resolving their differences.

mars 6th

Congressional forum examines CAFTA's impact on Minnesota

5 March, 2005
Emphasized that passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) would have negative effects across the state.

Congressional Forum Examines CAFTA's Impact On Minnesota

5 March, 2005
Dennis Olson of the Institute of Agriculture & Trade Policy said free trade agreements such as CAFTA do nothing to address poverty in developing countries - in fact they create it.

mars 4th

Elevating Services?

3 March, 2005
The EU, Switzerland, India and the United States made a strong pitch yesterday for stepping up the profile of services negotiations, maintaining that members will have to accelerate work in the coming days.

Industry Efforts on Services Talks Face Sensenbrenner Opposition

3 March, 2005
A revised US services offer expected in May is not expected to include new market access for business personnel.