
décembre 13th, 2005

Ministerial opens amid protests and diplomatic activism

12 December, 2005

décembre 12th

Portman, Johanns Off to Hong Kong

11 December, 2005
US Trade Representative Rob Portman told reporters he is optimistic that members can make 'incremental' progress on some substantial issues as well as arrive at a plan for least developed countries

Freedom to trade or freedom from hunger?

11 December, 2005
The problem is not the inability to resolve differences among the WTO country members, but the model of development that the WTO promotes.

Facilitating Agriculture in Hong Kong

11 December, 2005
Facilitator for agriculture at this week’s WTO’s sixth ministerial conference in Hong Kong, Mukhisa Kituyi, said in Geneva on Saturday he intends to conduct discussions in all three pillars of Doha Development Agenda farm negotiations adding that he wants to explore with trade ministers where they can arrive at figures to be plugged into the liberalization formulas

Wal-Mart Hopes WTO/GATS Will Help Big Box retailers; Local officials fear loss of power

11 December, 2005
Wal-Mart Hopes WTO Will Help It Open a Door Big retailers will seek to alter a services pact. Local officials fear a loss of power to limit firms.

Leaked Documents Show EU Digging In

11 December, 2005
The charity Christian Aid has cited leaked documents to say that the European Union (EU) will push developing nations to privatise services such as water, healthcare and banking at the trade ministers meeting in Hong Kong this week.

décembre 11th

Bulleting #1 from Hong Kong: 10 December 2005

10 December, 2005
The Hong Kong government is mustering all its propaganda skills to create a climate of fear as the meeting approaches, to justify cracking down on any dissent and keep the substantive issues off the front pages

Debunking the Development?Package

10 December, 2005
The Hong Kong development package is a guise for further impoverishment of developing economies, those hardest hit by liberalization.

Protesters March in Hong Kong Against WTO Summit

10 December, 2005
Thousands of anti-globalization activists marched in the streets of Hong Kong Sunday as the city prepares to host the World Trade Organization's (WTO) annual summit.