
février 24th, 2006

Moving 'In Concert' in Geneva

23 February, 2006
Brazil is more than willing to come forward with an improved offer on reducing tariffs for industrials beyond its 54 percent cut already announced if the European Union improves its stance on agricultural market access and the United States further reduces its own domestic farm supports, said Brasilia's chief trade negotiator in Geneva yesterday.

février 23rd

WIPO meeting discusses African and Colombian proposals

22 February, 2006
The third day of the meeting of the WIPO's Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a Development Agenda (PCDA) discussed proposals of the Africa Group and Colombia.

Technical paper by US and New Zealand on sensitive agriculture products

22 February, 2006
A link to a technical paper produced by the U.S. and New Zealand on an approach to sensitive agriculture products in the WTO agriculture negotiations.

février 22nd

WTO services talks resume, uncertainty on plurilaterals

21 February, 2006
The Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services, meeting this week for the first time since the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference, has been taking up some organizational matters including on how to proceed with respect to the plurilateral process.

WTO's plurilateral services negotiations are voluntary, stresses developing countries

21 February, 2006
At a meeting on services at the WTO last week, several developing countries have stressed their understanding that participation in the plurilateral mode of negotiations would be on a voluntary and non-compulsory basis.

'Striptease' summit called to save trade talks

21 February, 2006
Six of the leading players in the long-running global trade talks are to meet in London next month for what is being billed as a 'collective striptease' to unblock deadlocked negotiations through a series of mutual concessions.

Norway takes salmon row to WTO in surprise move

21 February, 2006
The Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs announced on Tuesday (21 February) it will bring EU rules to curb salmon trade to the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Development: Development Agenda process resumes in WIPO

21 February, 2006
The process on a Development Agenda for the World Intellectual Property Organisation resumes with a week-long meeting starting 20 February.

WIPO: Most delegations and NGOs support 'public domain' proposal

21 February, 2006
The importance of the 'public domain' in knowledge and the need to protect it from the incursion of private rights was a strong theme on the second day of the WIPO meeting on the Development Agenda initiative taking place here this week.

février 21st

Questions For a NAMA Text

20 February, 2006
The friends of ambition in Doha market access negotiation for industrial products led by the United States and the European Union on Monday submitted a set of questions to negotiations chair Don Stephenson suggesting how to finalize modalities by the end of April, WTD has learned (WTD, 2/20/06).