Archive - sept. 2005 - Call to Action


septembre 29th

ACTION ALERT: NZ part of huge GATS offensive in Geneva

We urge you to join with us in demanding immediate accountability from our government for its hypocrisy and challenge its complicity in a process that reflects shamefully on us all

septembre 20th

Operation Get Up! Stand Up! It's about livelihoods

Operation Get up! Stand up! Its About Livelihoods and is a rallying call for civil society to be mobilized against the continuing destruction of livelihoods due to the current process of trade liberalization.

septembre 15th

septembre 14th

Call for international mobilizations in Geneva: STOP the WTO corporate agenda before Hong Kong!

A call for international mobilisation for the General Council week in October in Geneva.

septembre 7th

Proposal for Busan International People's Forum

Proposal for an International People's Forum in Busan, Korea alongside the Busan APEC summit meeting on November 2005.