
avril 25th, 2006

South Cone Metalworkers Unions on NAMA

24 April, 2006
Link for the English translation of the statement circulated in Spanish.

avril 24th

Delegates meet to push Doha round

23 April, 2006
Negotiators from leading trading nations and blocs are beginning a series of meetings this week in a bid to put the Doha round of world trade talks back on track after they admitted on Friday that a key April 30 deadline would be missed.

WTO members resigned to missed deadlines as week of talks ends

23 April, 2006
The World Trade Organisation's April 30 deadline for attaining 'modalities' in agriculture and non-agricultural market access (NAMA) will be missed, it became clear Friday as delegations wound up a week of negotiations on the two subjects.

Latin American Trade Unions adopt common roadmap on Labour and Environment

23 April, 2006
The Trade Union Conference on Labour and the Environment for Latin America in Sao Paolo concluded yesterday with a series of undertakings from the Latin American trade union movement. The Conference, organized by ORIT and Sustainlabour brought together 26 national trade union centers, federations (PSI and Rel-UITA) and confederations (ORIT and CLAT).

South Cone Metalworkers Unions on NAMA

23 April, 2006
Link to the text of a statement adopted by the metalworkers unions affiliated to the International Metalworkers Federation in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

WTO meeting cancelled after protests

23 April, 2006
WTO Director General Pascal Lamy has cancelled a 'mini ministerial' meeting which was intended to finalise negotiations in the controversial trade round. The meeting would have excluded most countries from the developing world, and was cancelled following angry protests from developing countries, NGOs and trade unions.

Wheat imports undermine India's position in WTO

23 April, 2006
India is deliberately weakening its bargaining position in WTO by unnecessarily resorting to wheat imports against zero duty and relaxed quarantine norms when the granary is full.

avril 22nd

Doha Round and Developing Countries: Will the Doha deal do more harm than good?

21 April, 2006
As WTO negotiators miss yet another deadline for concluding world trade talks, developing country negotiators are no doubt asking themselves if they might be better off with no deal at all. According to a new policy report by Tufts University researchers, they have good reason to question the agreement, as hidden costs may well outstrip the limited gains predicted for most countries.

avril 21st

Key differences re-surface in NAMA report and meeting

20 April, 2006
In this final week of negotiations on non-agricultural market access (NAMA) before the end-April deadline for modalities, WTO members remain polarized over the key issues of the formula for making tariff cuts and flexibilities from the formula for developing country members.

G33's Letter to Lamy on SP and SSM

20 April, 2006
Links to excerpts from Martin Khor's news article on this development which provides some background and context to the G33 letter. And the G33 letter to Lamy for your information and action.