
septembre 25th, 2005

WTO members still far apart on NAMA

24 September, 2005
The differences among members on these issues were as wide as before the WTO's summer break, with the countries reiterating their known positions

septembre 23rd

WTO agriculture chair indicates change in approach

22 September, 2005
The week of agriculture negotiations at the World Trade Organisation ended a day earlier than scheduled, due to lack of any new 'movement' by the major members.

WTO Agriculture: Dynamite quotes from Congress, USTR, Ag Secretary on US agenda

22 September, 2005
Highlights on the best of the best and also has a transcript based on Public Citizen's notes of the entire hearing

septembre 22nd

USTR Portman Backs Congress in Rejecting EU Call to Turn Food Aid Into Cash Transfers

21 September, 2005
U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman on Sept. 21 rejected calls being made by the European Union to agree in the ongoing Doha Round of World Trade Organization talks to convert U.S. food aid into cash payments, saying that he would fight to maintain the current system.

Tough Going on NAMA Formula Talks

21 September, 2005
The chairman of the Doha Development Agenda market access negotiations for industrials yesterday made some headway in jump-starting negotiations on a tariff-cutting formula - but sharp differences exist on details between the 'Friends of Ambition' led by the United States and the so-called 'ABI'

septembre 21st

Portman Urged To Resist Pressure On Food Aid Programs

20 September, 2005
Among the highlights: Portman agreeing that food aid should be in commodities not cash; Repeated declaration from Administration officials and members of Congress that US needs to 'box shift' domestic support and jack up payment levels in farm bill so as to make for higer baselines; Senate Ag committee chair saying that for Hong Kong 'No Agreementi better than a bad agreement' which in his view means major tariff cuts to allow for more US market access.

Fate of South's industries at stake in WTO's NAMA negotiations

20 September, 2005
The WTO negotiations on non-agricultural market access (NAMA) are taking place now in Geneva, on 21-23 September. The negotiations are already quite advanced. If there are signs of serious movements in agriculture, the major players could well try to wrap things up in NAMA quickly - with serious consequences for the developing countries' industries.(M.Khor)

Who will protect farmers rights in Egypt?

20 September, 2005
After the decrease of the prices of cotton 'white gold', Egypt is seeing the collapse of farmers incomes and the deterioration of the textile industry.