
mars 30th, 2006

U.S. Rejects Africans' Cotton Proposal, Calls for Same 'Ambition' on

29 March, 2006
The European Union plans to press for curbs on controversial export taxes as part of the Doha global trade round, despite widespread opposition from the many developing countries that use them.

Hong Kong Court Acquits Last WTO Protester

29 March, 2006
A Hong Kong court has acquitted the last of 14 anti-globalization protesters accused of attacking police during the World Trade Organization meetings in the city last year.

3 Reports from the chair of the NAMA Negotiations

29 March, 2006
The Chair of the NAMA negotiations, Ambassador Stephenson, issued 3reports based on his consultations form the last negotiating week.

mars 29th

Agriculture: No 'material progress' in WTO talks since Hong Kong

28 March, 2006
The Chair of the Special Session of the WTO Committee on Agriculturetold members at an informal meeting Monday that despite variousconsultations, he has not seen any 'material progress' in the agriculture negotiations since the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference in December.

The rich are still cheating developing countries

28 March, 2006
The World Trade Organisation's Doha round of trade negotiations is billed as a development round, reflecting the fact that developing countries were reluctant to start another one unless structural imbalances in trade were addressed as a priority.

Warning of de-industrialization effects of NAMA talks

28 March, 2006
The proposals for cutting tariffs of industrial products in the WTO's negotiations will have significant adverse effects on developing countries' industrialization, according to a paper presented at the Group of 24 Technical Group meeting held in Geneva on 10 March.

mars 28th

Collective Request Mode 3

27 March, 2006
Link to the collective request on Mode 3.

New WIPO treaty may remove South's ability to decide on patents

27 March, 2006
Developing countries risk losing their present flexibility to decide on the standards for granting patents if developed countries' proposals for a new WIPO treaty on patents are adopted.

mars 27th

Report by Chair on NAMA Negotiations, 20 March 2006

26 March, 2006
A link to a report issued by the Chair of the NAMA negotiations on his recent consultations.

'Deadline for completing the Doha Round likely to be met' says Harshvardhan Singh, Deputy DG, WTO

26 March, 2006
After the Hong Kong ministerial meet of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) last December, not much progress seems to have been made in key areas of the ongoing negotiations. The recent meeting of the G-6 countries, including India, was not very productive.