The Meaning of Seattle: Truth Only Becomes True Through Action

1 December, 2009

WTO+10: Before 1999, the momentum of globalization seemed to sweep everything in front of it, including the truth. But in Seattle, ordinary women and men made truth real with collective action.

CNN: WTO and Financial Services

April 2009

COMUNICADO DE PRENSA OWINFS: La OMC es la causa de las crisis globales, no la solución

30 November, 2009
Miembros de la red global Nuestro Mundo No Está en Venta (OWINFS) organizaron una reunión de prensa hoy en la que se destacaron los vínculos entre las políticas de libre comercio y las múltiples crises que enfrenta el mundo actualmente. Representantes de cuatro continentes mostraron cómo el modelo de liberalización de comercio que la OMC sigue promoviendo ha tenido efectos devastadores sobre comunidades en el mundo entero y cómo contribuyó a empeorar dramáticamente la explotación de mujeres, la falta de acceso a alimentos, desempleo y la crisis financiera.

Byungsu Kim speaks about WTO at WTO mobilization November 28 2009, Geneva

WTO demo in Geneva on 28 November 2009

The U.S. needs a new deal on trade with more opportunities for American exports

30 November, 2009
FOR weeks before the 1999 World Trade Organization Ministerial meeting in Seattle, state and local authorities had known that peaceful protests were being planned around the Washington State Convention & Trade Center. But as I drove through downtown on the night of Nov. 29 and saw waves of people returning from a rally waving placards, I got a sinking feeling that the anti-trade sentiment was stronger than people had anticipated. Was it ever.

Legitimacy of WTO Hangs by a Thread

30 November, 2009
I've also just returned from a protest march against the WTO here in Geneva, attended by many people, including activists from many parts of the world.

G-10 COMMUNIQUE: November 30, 2009

30 November, 2009
Ministers of the G-10 met in Geneva today (Monday 30 November 2009) ahead of the 7th Session of the WTO Ministerial conference that will start this afternoon. They assessed the state of play of the DDA negotiations and their priorities in the negotiations on agriculture.