Press Coverage: G20 Counter-Summit, St-Petersburg, Russia

Series of links to TV and Radio Coverage of the G20 Counter-Summit, and to written articles published online.

"Lo que necesitamos es un cambio de sistema!" / Declaración final, Contra-Cumbre G20, St-Petersburgo, Rusia (Sept. 2013)

San Petersburgo, 4 de septiembre, 2013

Movimientos sociales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil de diferentes partes del mundo se reunieron en St-Petersburgo, Rusia, los días 3 y 4 de septiembre 2013, a la víspera de la Cumbre del G20 y en el contexto de una amenaza por parte de Estados Unidos (EEUU) de atacar a Siria. Con la participación de más de 30 delegadas y delegados de los movimientos sociales del mundo, nuestra Contra Cumbre G20 fue auspiciada por la Iniciativa Post-Globalización.

"What we need is system change!" / G20 Counter-Summit Final Declaration, St-Petersburg, Russia (Sept. 2013)

St Petersburg, 4 September 2013

Social movements and civil society organizations from different parts of the world have met on 3 -4 September 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on the eve of the G20 Summit and in a context of the threat by the United States of America (USA) to attack Syria. With the participation of more than 30 international delegates of world social movements, our G20 Counter-Summit, was hosted by the Post-Globalization Initiative.

Video: Bridge between Moscow and Brussels / Linking our Campaigning Against Corporate Power and to Stop Impunity

Technological Bridge between the G20 Counter-Summit international participants gathered in Moscow and the European Parliament Event "Advancing a new regulatory regime for Transnational Corporations and Investment: Towards An International Peoples’ Treaty", Sept. 5, 2013

"Lo que necesitamos es un cambio de sistema !" / Declaración final, Contra-Cumbre G20, St-Petersburgo, Rusia (Sept. 2013)

San Petersburgo, 4 de septiembre, 2013

Movimientos sociales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil de diferentes partes del mundo se reunieron en St-Petersburgo, Rusia, los días 3 y 4 de septiembre 2013, a la víspera de la Cumbre del G20 y en el contexto de una amenaza por parte de Estados Unidos (EEUU) de atacar a Siria. Con la participación de más de 30 delegadas y delegados de los movimientos sociales del mundo, nuestra Contra Cumbre G20 fue auspiciada por la Iniciativa Post-Globalización.

"What we need is system change!" / G20 Counter-Summit Final Declaration, St-Petersburg, Russia (Sept. 2013)

30 September, 2013

St Petersburg, 4 September 2013

Social movements and civil society organizations from different parts of the world have met on 3 -4 September 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on the eve of the G20 Summit and in a context of the threat by the United States of America (USA) to attack Syria. With the participation of more than 30 international delegates of world social movements, our G20 Counter-Summit, was hosted by the Post-Globalization Initiative.

G20 Counter-Summit: Statement Against Military Intervention in Syria

Social organizations from all over the world have come together in St. Petersburg, Russia, September 3-4, 2013, to hold accountable the policies of the G-20 group of industrial nations and their failure to effectively address the critical issues of growing global inequality, financial crisis, environmental destruction and military conflicts.

Press Release / G20 Counter-Summit Conclusions: "What We Need is System Change!"

Social movements and civil society organizations from different parts of the world have met on 3-4 September 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on the eve of the G20 Summit. With the participation of more than 30 international delegates of world social movements, our G20 Counter-Summit was hosted by the Post-Globalization Initiative.

Five years after the financial meltdown, the G20 continues promoting failed neoliberal policies, forcing austerity measures in countries facing deep recession and social crisis. During this period a vast architecture of impunity was built to serve the interests of transnational capital.

VIDEOS: International Delegates Presentations, G20 Counter-Summit, Russia

Presentations from a diversity of International Delegates to G20 Counter-Summit, on a variety of G20 related topics.

VIDEOS: G20 Counter-Summit, Opening Conference: "G20 and the Global Crisis on the Eve of an Attack Against Syria", Sept. 3, 2013

G20 Counter-Summit, Opening Conference: "G20 and the Global Crisis on the Eve of an Attack Against Syria", Sept. 3, 2013

With Samir Amin (Third World Network/Egypt-France), Dorothy Guerrero (Focus on the Global South/?hailand), Hanny van Geel (Via Campesina/Netherlands), Pedro Paez (Head of the Antimonopoly Service of Ecuador), Edgardo Lander (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela) and Boris Kagarlitsky (Institut for Globalization and Social Movements, Russia).