LDCs assess high-level meeting on LDC services waiver

27 March, 2015
According to trade officials, at the regular meeting of the Council for Trade in Services on 18 March, the LDCs, in their presentation, assessed the high-level meeting that was held on 5 February, in which number of developed country members and developing country members in a position to do so had indicated the services sectors and modes of supply where they intend to provide preferential treatment to the LDCs.

TISA: otro documento filtrado revela las negociaciones secretas para promover “el turismo” de salud y la privatización

3 February, 2015
La propuesta, supuestamente presentada por el gobierno de Turquía, fue discutida por los estados miembros de la UE el pasado mes de septiembre en las negociaciones sobre el TISA que tuvieron lugar en Ginebra. Sugiere un anexo relativo a los servicios de atención médica en el TISA que facilitaría el acceso de los pacientes a servicios de salud en el extranjero.

Briefing on leaked US TISA proposal on e-commerce, technoloy transfer, cross-border data flows and net neutrality

17 December, 2014
A detailed memorandum by Professor Kelsey and Dr Burcu Kilic shows how the leaked US TISA proposals mirror the demands of its IT and services industry.

South faces uphill fight on food security, commitments on Bali decisions

9 April, 2015
Towards 10th WTO Ministerial Conference in Nairobi in December 2015, Chakravarthi Raghavan provides detailed analysis of critical issues faced by developing countries at the WTO to ensure a permanent solution to food security issues and translate into binding commitments the 'best endeavour' decisions of the 2013 Bali Ministerial Conference.

Investing inAgriculture in Developing Countries: the Whole World Says Yes, but the WTO Says No.

3 April, 2015
In this important article, Deborah James of Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) Network, analyzes how global trade rules set in the World Trade Organization (WTO) pose challenges to achieve the Right to Food and how this WTO obstacles to food security can be removed.

Farmers and CSOs express concern over WTO conditionalities on India's agricultural subsidy regime

25 November, 2014
Indian farmers organizations and civil society groups expressed serious concern over India - US agreement over public stockholding issue at the WTO negotiation. In a letter to commerce minister they argued that Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) needs to be rejected not only as a strategy but on its own lack of merit.

Global civil society letter to WTO members regarding public food stockholding programs

24 November, 2014
In the backdrop of agreement between India and US on public stockholdings for food security purposes this Global civil society letter highlights that the current solution is inadequate and calls upon WTO members to ensure that developing countries’ and LDCs’ interests are not sacrificed in the current negotiations and at the special General Council meeting on 26 November 2014 in order to clear the path for the TFA.

Discurso - Celeste Drake, Especialista en Políticas de Comercio y Globalización, AFL-CIO, / Foro Mundial sobre el Comercio de Servicios - ISP-OWINFS-FES , 17 de octubre de 2014, Ginebra

Discurso - Celeste Drake, Especialista en Políticas de Comercio y Globalización, AFL-CIO, / Foro Mundial sobre el Comercio de Servicios - ISP-OWINFS-FES , 17 de octubre de 2014, Ginebra

Bienvenida - David Boys, Subsecretario General, Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) / Foro Mundial sobre el Comercio de Servicios - ISP-OWINFS-FES , 17 de octubre de 2014, Ginebra

Bienvenida - David Boys, Subsecretario General, Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) / Foro Mundial sobre el Comercio de Servicios - ISP-OWINFS-FES , 17 de octubre de 2014, Ginebra