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December 7th

Legitimacy of WTO Hangs by a Thread

30 November, 2009
I've also just returned from a protest march against the WTO here in Geneva, attended by many people, including activists from many parts of the world.

G-10 COMMUNIQUE: November 30, 2009

30 November, 2009
Ministers of the G-10 met in Geneva today (Monday 30 November 2009) ahead of the 7th Session of the WTO Ministerial conference that will start this afternoon. They assessed the state of play of the DDA negotiations and their priorities in the negotiations on agriculture.

Informal Group of Developing Countries COMMUNIQUE November 30, 2009

30 November, 2009
We, Ministers of the informal Group of Developing Countries met in Geneva on 30 November 2009 on the occasion of the 7th WTO Ministerial Conference, to coordinate positions and assess the ramifications of the rapidly changing international trading environment on our countries’ interests;

G-20 COMMUNIQUE November 29, 2009

29 November, 2009
On the occasion of the VII WTO Ministerial Conference, the Ministers of the G-20 met in Geneva on 29 November 2009 to discuss the state of the play of the WTO Doha Round negotiations.

COMUNICADO DE PRENSA Amigos de la Tierra Internacional: La Unión Europea debe replantear su papel en Centroamérica

1 July, 2009
Bruselas, Bélgica, 1 de Julio 2009 – Mientras la Unión Europea anuncia la suspensión de su nueva ronda de negociaciones comerciales con los países centroamericanos, Amigos de la Tierra Internacional llama a detener todo el proceso de negociaciones de libre comercio que la UE impulsa en América Central, y recomienda un replanteo total por parte de la UE acerca del papel que está jugando en la región.

December 6th

International Gender and Trade Network at the WTO Ministerial in Geneva

29 November, 2009

International Gender and Trade Network at the WTO Ministerial in Geneva

30 Nov – 2 Dec 2009

Nothing more could attest to the failure of the neoliberal dogma than the current global crises. Pure faith in the market as the sole and most efficient allocator of resources for society has dominated all aspects of economic policy (finance, trade, investments, public services delivery) and had negative consequences on people’s lives across nations, classes, ethnicities and gender. 

Derailing Doha and the pathway to a new paradigm: How WTO’s collapse clears the way to solve today’s food, fuel, and financial

30 July, 2009
As experts dissect the collapse of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Doha round of global trade talks to explain its causes and effects, many are missing how it signals a shift in the sensibilities of people everywhere to end of the era of global free trade and renew government’s rightful role in regulating commerce, especially in the critical areas of fuel, food, and finance.

Senior Chinese Official Criticizes U.S. bilaterals on Doha, Sees No Room to Meet

27 November, 2009
Geneva -- A senior Chinese official has strongly criticized as ineffective and counterproductive to the multilateral Doha round negotiations a U.S. effort to extract more market access concessions from key countries in bilateral meetings.

Developing nations call for WTO deal to help poor

GENEVA, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Developing countries called on Sunday for a quick deal in the World Trade Organisation's Doha round of talks to help poor nations by removing unfair distortions in the global trading system. Trade ministers from Brazil, India and Indonesia issued the call after a meeting on the eve of a WTO conference in Geneva.