Archive - Jul 2006 - Article

July 24th

Failture of the anti-development Doha Round!! Victory to the peoples!!!

23 July, 2006
Civil society organizations from Brazil and from around the world are celebrating the collapse of negotiations towards the conclusion of the Doha Round of the WTO.

Transcript of USTR Schwab and USDA Secretary Johanns at WTO

23 July, 2006
Press Availability with Ambassador Susan C. Schwab, USTR and Mike Johanns, Secretary of Agriculture

Tradewatch accoglie con favore la sospensione dei negoziati della Wto a Ginevra e chiede una radicale revisione delle regole del commercio internazionale

23 July, 2006
La sospensione dei negoziati del 'Round dello sviluppo' della Wto, a quasi cinque anni dal loro avvio a Doha nel novembre 2001, viene salutata positivamente dal Tradewatch, l'osservatorio italiano sul commercio internazionale.

July 21st

Developing countries on Doha talks at the G8 Summit

20 July, 2006
No one who was not there seems to know what actually happened at the G8 Summit leaders' meeting with the leaders of five developing countries in the lunchtime "outreach working lunch" at St Petersburg on Monday (17 July).

G6 Ministers hope for "flexibilities" - but what and how much?

20 July, 2006
"Flexibilities" was the new key theme and indeed the key word after a short meeting of the G6 Ministers held at the WTO on Monday (17 July) night, to follow up on the lunch meeting at St Petersburg a few hours earlier that the G8 leaders had with the leaders of five developing countries.

July 19th

Manmohan has `not lost hope' about Doha Round

18 July, 2006
Fresh from his discussions at the G8 Summit in St. Petersburg, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh provided a cautiously optimistic insight into the prospects of the deadlocked WTO negotiations.

July 18th

Leaders vow to unblock Doha talks

17 July, 2006
World leaders

July 17th

G-6 Agrees To Meet Twice In July After Push From G-8 Leaders

16 July, 2006
Trade ministers from the U.S. and five other World Trade Organization members have agreed at a meeting today (July 17) to gather again twice this month in Geneva in an effort to push the struggling WTO talks forward.

Numsa plan marches on US and EU embassies over tariffs reductions

16 July, 2006
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) is to stage countrywide general strikes in August to halt removal of industrial tariffs which are expected to open up markets and destroy more jobs and industries.

G8 leaders face packed agenda on summit's last day

16 July, 2006
Leaders of the major world powers face a packed agenda including trade talks and a possible statement on world oil prices on Monday, the last day of a G8 summit overshadowed by violence in the Middle East.