Archive - Mar 2006 - Article

March 20th

Carnegie study: Most developing countries would be net losers under Doha Round

19 March, 2006
A new study on the impact of global trade liberalization on real incomes under the current WTO Doha round has challenged conventional wisdom, showing the benefits for the world economy are lower than usually touted and some developing countries, rather than seeing benefits, come out losers in many scenarios.

March 17th

G24 meeting warned of de-industrialization effects of NAMA talks

16 March, 2006
The proposals for cutting tariffs of industrial products in the World Trade Organisation's current negotiations will have significant adverse effects on developing countries' industrialization, according to a paper presented at the Group of 24 Technical Group meeting held in Geneva on Friday 17 March.

March 16th

Poorest Nations Hit Hardest by WTO Agenda, Study Finds

15 March, 2006
According to 'Winners and Losers' by Sandra Polaski, a researcher with the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the so-called Doha Development Round, which launched the current trade World Trade Organisation talks, will not actually generate development benefits for poor nations as initially promised.

March 14th

36 cases show growing biopiracy in Africa

13 March, 2006
A recent report detailing 36 cases of bio-piracy in Africa has been creating ripples at international meetings negotiating a fair deal for developing countries to benefit from their genetic resources and traditional knowledge.

March 13th

Little Progress in London on DDA

12 March, 2006
Trade chiefs of the United States, the European Union, Brazil, India, Australia and Japan made scant progress in narrowing differences over the core elements for Doha Development Agenda agriculture and industrials packages on Saturday an outcome that placed the conclusion of negotiating modalities by the end of next month in jeopardy (WTD, 3/10/06).

New Documents on TradeObservatory - NAMA and Agriculture

12 March, 2006
The links below are the recent WTO documents.

Talks fail to break deadlock over trade deal

12 March, 2006
Prospects of a new trade deal to end rich countries' farm subsidies and open up poor nations' markets were left hanging in the balance yesterday after a meeting of the world's top economic powers ended without a breakthrough.

March 10th

Clash over patents on genes and on medicines as WIPO forum ends

9 March, 2006
The final day of the WIPO open forum on patents saw heated exchanges on the impact of patents and 'flexibilities' of the system on access to medicines, as well as an interesting debate on whether genes and life forms should be patented.

Tough Decisions in London Expected

9 March, 2006
Trade chiefs of the United States, the European Union, Brazil, India, Australia and Japan are planning a busy two days today and Saturday in an effort to reach some accommodations on the most difficult issues in three central areas of the Doha Development Agenda whose outcome could indicate whether full modalities in the agriculture and industrials negotiations can be wrapped up by the end of next month, WTD was told (WTD, 3/9/06).