Archive - Article

December 6th, 2005

TRIPS transition period for LDCs extended 7.5 years with conditions

5 December, 2005
Least developed country members as a group were granted extension of transitional period for 7.5 years to apply the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement. The extension is however subject to conditions that have been criticized by experts as severely constraining the benefits of the extension granted.

Stitched Up: Social fabric torn apart by end of quotas, Blind Faith that it won?t happen again

5 December, 2005
Two new reports jointly released today by the ICFTU and Solidar raise alarm bells over the planned further liberalisation of TCF and general manufacturing sectors by the WTO.

WTO deals pose global threat: report

5 December, 2005
With only days left before the World Trade Organization holds its sixth ministerial meeting in Hong Kong, a new report claims that the agreements reached at these trade negotiations pose a threat to people and their environment around the world.

INTERVIEW-Congress may reject WTO duty-free farm plan

5 December, 2005
The U.S. Congress would probably reject a proposed deal by global trade ministers to give duty-free access to the world's poorest nations if the plan does not also open new markets for American farmers

December 5th

Developing countries voice concerns on Hong Kong draft at TNC

4 December, 2005
A range of developing countries voiced their concerns over the draftHong Kong Ministerial text at a meeting of the Trade NegotiationsCommittee

Papers on sectoral negotiations in GATS

4 December, 2005
Papers on arguments by some for commencing sectoral negotiations in the GATS, and the objectives of these negotiations

Revised Hong Kong draft retains services text and Annex

4 December, 2005
while it attempts to capture the main elements of the state of playof agriculture and NAMA in general terms, the revised draft does not alter the first draft, issued on 26 November, in any fundamental manner.

New Video Highlights Suffering Caused by WTO Policies in Textiles and Clothing

4 December, 2005
The Global Union representing workers in the textile and clothing sector has released a new video drawing attention to the plight of workers in the sector following the liberalisation of trade at the start of 2005.

Keeping Hong Kong On Line

4 December, 2005
Trade ministers of the United States, the European Union, Brazil, India, Japan and Australia meeting here on Saturday in an informal session hosted by the United States agreed broadly on what can be delivered in next week's Hong Kong trade conference for least-developed countries

ASEAN alternative services proposal

4 December, 2005
ASEAN (fve members) alternative proposal to the Services Annex C for the draft ministerial text